Mtech Staff
Contact information for the Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech), along with each of its constituent programs, are included in the list below. Staff members are listed by office or program.
Mtech Main Office

Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech)
4467 Technology Drive
1105 Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-3906
Dr. William E. Bentley
Professor and Director
(301) 405-3906
Mtech Office of Business, Finance, and Facilities

Office of Business, Finance, and Facilities
University of Maryland-Mtech
5000 College Avenue
1100 Technology Ventures Building
College Park, MD 20740
Heather Mattern
(301) 405-6242
Karen Russo
Associate Director
(301) 405-3907
Ericka Black
Business Coordinator
(301) 405-0820
Jonathan Young
Venture Facilities Manager
(301) 405-0126
Chaunda Pair
Building Facilitator
(301) 314-7804
Mtech Marketing and Information Technology

Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech)
4467 Technology Drive
1105 Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-3906
Eric Schurr
(301) 405-3889
Shola Lawal
Assistant Director for Information Technology
(301) 405-7781
James Kopanko
Elena Russ
Communications Coordinator
(301) 405-4837
Joseph Belew
Network Administrator
(301) 314-7802
Daniel Carafelli
Senior Advisor Consultant
Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) Program

Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) Program
4467 Technology Drive
3119 Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
tel: (301) 405-3891
Joseph Naft
(301) 405-3886
Ronnie Gist
Associate Director
(301) 405-3890
Onur Unal
Life Sciences Projects Manager
(301) 405-6673
Ashley Chapman
Contract Administrator
(301) 405-3896
Jeanne Pekny
Program Administrative Specialist
(301) 405-3891
Mtech Ventures

Rob Cohen
Program Manager, Mtech Ventures
(301) 405-3932
Scott Christensen
Manager, Mtech Ventures & Chesapeake Bay Seed Capital Fund
(301) 314-8178
Chaunda Pair
Facilitator, Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
(301) 314-7804
Mtech Ventures
4467 Technology Drive
1114 Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
tel: 301-314-7805
UMD I-Corps Program

UMD I-Corps Program
4467 Technology Drive
3119 Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
tel: (301) 405-8572
Daniel Kunitz
Director, Venture Strategy and Development
Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic I-Corps Hub
David Steele
Program Manager, UMD I-Corps
Hub Coordinator, Mid-Atlantic I-Corps Hub
Jainaba Ceesay
Program Manager & Instructor, UMD I-Corps
Edmund Pendleton
Instructor, UMD I-Corps
Glen Hellman
Instructor, UMD I-Corps
Learning and Development

Mtech Learning and Development
4467 Technology Drive
1105 Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
tel: (301) 314-9223 | fax: (301) 314-9192
Mtech education programs
Dr. James V. Green
Managing Director
(301) 314-1450
Alyssa E. Cohen Sherman
Associate Director
(301) 314-9441
Cindy Gilbert
Program Administrative Specialist
(301) 314-9223
ASPIRE (A Scholars Program for Industry Oriented Research in Engineering)

4467 Technology Drive
3119 Herbert Rabin Technology Advancement Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
tel: (301) 405-3886
Joseph Naft
(301) 405-3886